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ART @ MG Mardleybury Gallery

Giorni e orari di apertura della galleria
Giovedì - Domenica dalle 11:00 alle 16:30 - SG3 6SG
Telefono 01438 488513/07794510750
Chiuso da sabato 9 luglio a sabato 16 luglio 2022 per ferie - Date comprese
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Tony Bowler

My introduction to pottery, along with many others in the 1970’s, was through school but as I approached retirement I decided to rekindle my interest in clay by enrolling on evening classes. Once retired I attended daytime classes to develop my skills further, but it was an inspirational Masterclass with Ashraf Hanna and more recently a short course with Clay Yorkshire which has led me to concentrate on hand-built ceramics.
My current work is done without the use of drawings or sketches to allow freedom to explore form and texture. I then retain the white “raw clay” effect by doing a single kiln firing. Certain pieces are then enhanced with a wax finish or gold leaf.

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