ART @ MG Mardleybury Gallery

Giorni e orari di apertura della galleria
Giovedì - Domenica dalle 11:00 alle 16:30 - SG3 6SG
Telefono 01438 488513/07794510750
Chiuso da sabato 9 luglio a sabato 16 luglio 2022 per ferie - Date comprese
Nel frattempo, per favore, considera l'acquisto della nostra arte online tramite Click and Collect
Galleria Online Shop Aperto 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 - QUI!

Fiona Fraser
My name is Fiona Fraser, I'm originally from Nottingham, UK but I have lived in Hertfordshire most of my adult life. I sign my work under the same name.
I find inspiration for my art in many places and have travelled to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA and Europe which has influenced my creative style and process. I create art because I love to see the ideas that buzz in my head and develop in my dreams appear in front of me in colour for others to see and enjoy. I specialise in acrylic, water colour and pastel and I focus mainly on Animals. I have also enjoyed working with spray paint and graffiti art.
My art style is contemporary/modern/pop art. I am motivated by Family, Music, and Travel and I've been creating art for 30 years. My favourite artists are Picasso, Patrice Murciano, Mr Brainwash and Banksy because I find their work to be thought provoking and edgy!
When people see my work, I hope they experience inspiration , intrigue and a love of life and expression.